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On May 9, 2013, the Attorney General’s Office filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase) for engaging in fraudulent and unlawful debt-collection practices against tens of thousands of Californians. The suit alleges Chase engaged in widespread misconduct to commit debt-collection abuses against approximately 100,000 California credit-card borrowers over at least a three-year period. The alleged misconduct includes abusive correspondence from Chase’s legal department; the robo-signing of litigation filings; improper service of process; and filing irregularities.
Consumers who believe they have been victims of this misconduct may submit a complaint online at
Yes. Although the Attorney General has sued Chase for not following the law in getting judgments against credit card customers, the judgment against you is valid – and you are legally required to pay it – unless you follow the procedures to challenge the judgment. You may wish to consult a lawyer to see what your options are.
At this early stage, we cannot tell what, if any, money may be returned to consumers. The Attorney General’s lawsuit is still pending, and it is difficult to estimate when the case will be resolved. If you filed a complaint with us on or after May 9, 2013, we will notify you if the Court orders Chase to refund money to its customers.
If you believe that there are grounds to challenge Chase’s collection actions against you, you may wish to contact an attorney to explore your options. Our office cannot give you legal advice or represent you. For referral to a lawyer, you may contact the State Bar at (866) 442-2529 (toll-free in California) or (415) 538-2250 (from outside California), or through their website at: If you cannot afford to pay an attorney, you may consider contacting your local legal aid office. For a referral, visit and click on the Find Legal Assistance tab.
You may also share information about alleged misconduct by Chase with our Office using our online complaint form, available at