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Under California law (Business and Profession Code section 17511.1), telephonic sellers must register with the Attorney General not less than 10 days prior to doing business in California. The telephonic seller must file specified information and a filing fee of $50. Telephonic sellers also must file quarterly updates and annual renewals. A seller is deemed to be doing business in the state if the seller solicits prospective purchasers from locations in California or solicits prospective purchasers who are located in this state. All telephonic sellers are required to have a $100,000 bond issued by a surety company admitted to do business in California. The bond is required to cover consumer losses.
Persons or companies wishing to register may use the on-line registration form or request materials in the mail by writing to:
Office of the Attorney General
Public Inquiry Unit
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550