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DMFEA Outreach is committed to protecting California and its citizens through prevention and education. The program provides free valuable tools and resources for District Attorneys, Skilled Nursing Facilities/Residential Care Facilities, Schools, and Law Enforcement Agencies. The Outreach team will travel anywhere in California to offer these free programs.
DMFEA’s Outreach team travels statewide and speaks to thousands of Californians every year. If you would like to request a presentation, webinar, or outreach materials, please submit a request online.
The following publications and video are available free of charge, and may be obtained by contacting DMFEA's Outreach Coordinator via email at
A Guide To Preventing and Reporting Abuse and Neglect of Elders and Dependent Adults
An Educational Tool which offers an overview on Financial Exploitation.
Download the brochure
Financial Abuse
Download the brochure
Financial Abuse (Spanish)
An educational tool which offers an overview on Elder Abuse - What you should know.
Download the brochure Elder Abuse
Download the brochure Elder Abuse (Spanish)
This video and accompanying curriculum are designed to meet California’s mandatory training requirements for all staff of every long-term health care facility, community care facility or residential care facility for the elderly and will explain how to recognize and report elder and dependent adult abuse.
DMFEA Mandated Reporting Video