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Assembly Bill 1312 (Fletcher, 2017) amended sections of the penal code pertaining to victims of sexual assault and enhanced victims’ rights already granted by previous legislation. AB 1312 also added a new section to the penal code specific to local law enforcement. Section 680.2 mandates that all local law enforcement agencies develop a card that explains in a clear language the rights of sexual assault victims, and makes this card accessible to each provider in its jurisdiction responsible for medical evidentiary or physical examinations arising out of sexual assault (Cal. Pen. Code, § 680.2, subd. (a); (d).).
In an effort to assist local law enforcement agencies in meeting this requirement, the California Attorney General’s Office has developed the Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights card that specifies all mandated information and can be used by any agency as their own. Simply download the card in any of the selected languages below and replace the prompts with agency information.
Please Note: Copies of the Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights card cannot be ordered or shipped – the card is available for download only.