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Senate Bill 1193 added Section 52.6 to the Civil Code. The law requires specified businesses and other establishments, as of April 1, 2013, to post a notice informing the public and victims of human trafficking of telephone hotline numbers to seek help or report unlawful activity. Additional requirements were added with the enactment of SB 225 and AB 260 (2017). SB 225 requires the model notice to provide a specified number that victims can text for services and support, while AB 260 added hotels, motels, and bed and breakfast inns to the list of specified businesses required to post the model notice.
There are specific posting mandates, language requirements, and penalties for failure to post. The mandated notice is available on this website for downloading. Each mandated business is required to post the notice in English and Spanish. In addition, for businesses located in specific counties, a third language posting is required. Posting in a third language is required in certain counties that are subject to the language assistance provisions of the federal Voting Rights Act. A list of these counties is available here (see "Covered Jurisdictions"):