Victims' Services Unit

Do not use the this web form to report:

  • Consumer and Financial Fraud

    Please do not use this form to file a complaint against a business. If you are a victim of consumer or financial fraud, please file a complaint with our Public Inquiry Unit, using the online forms available at:

  • Report a Crime

    If you wish to report a crime, please file a report with the police or sheriff's department in the area where the crime occurred. Law enforcement listings can be found at:

Local law enforcement authorities are responsible for investigating violations of law within their jurisdictions. After investigating the crime, the local law enforcement authorities may forward the case to the county district attorney's office for prosecution, if appropriate. The decision whether or not to file criminal charges will then be made by the locally elected district attorney.

Contact Victims' Service Unit

The below web form is the best way for us to gather important information from you. It will ensure that it is processed and passed onto the appropriate analyst on our team who will then determine what information or assistance our Office may be able to provide. Also, the web form is the quickest and smoothest way we can internally transfer information for review and categorize complaints.

You may also contact the Victims' Services Unit (VSU) via the below address and toll-free number.

  • California Attorney General's Office - Victims' Services Unit (VSU)
  • P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
  • Phone Toll-free: (877) 433-9069

* Indicates a Required Field.

Preferred Method of Contact
Your Information
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