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The Department of Justice proposes regulations that implement Assembly Bill No. 488. This Assembly Bill amends The Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act and establishes that effective January 1, 2023, charitable fundraising platforms and platform charities are subject to the Attorney General’s supervision.
The proposed regulations regulate charitable fundraising platforms, platform charities, and persons and entities soliciting charitable donations on charitable fundraising platforms. The regulations also reorder and renumber existing regulations so that all regulations pertaining to the Act will be in Chapter 4. This rulemaking relates to a prior rulemaking (Office of Administrative Law File No. Z-2022-0517-01), with which the Department chose not to proceed.
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Notice Register Publication Date: November 17, 2023
The rulemaking is complete. On March 26, 2024, the Office of Administrative Law approved the regulations and filed them with the Secretary of State. The regulations become effective on: