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No. California Penal Code section 11142 prohibits you from giving your copy of your criminal record to an unauthorized third party. In addition, California Penal Code section 11125 prohibits an individual or agency from requiring you to provide him/her or the agency with a copy of your criminal record or proof that a record does or does not exist. Violation of either of these sections is a misdemeanor offense.
If you feel the information contained within your criminal history record is inaccurate or incomplete, you may submit a challenge to the Department of Justice after you have received a copy of your record from the Department, pursuant to Penal Code sections 11120-11127. Form BCIA 8706 “Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy or Incompleteness” will be included with your record. Submit form BCIA 8706 and any supporting documentation to the Department of Justice at the address provided on the form. The challenge will be reviewed and a written response will be provided, along with an amended copy of your criminal history record if appropriate. If your challenge is denied—or has previously been denied—by the Department of Justice, you may request that the Department of Justice refer the matter for an administrative hearing.
Normal processing time is 2-3 days however; some requests may take up to 2 weeks to process depending on the information contained within the record.
Enter the name and address of your designee on form BCIA 8016RR, “Request for Live Scan Service,” in the section labeled “Designee or Embassy Name.” Be sure to provide a complete address for your designee. If a designee is not listed on form BCIA 8016RR at the time you are fingerprinted at the Live Scan Site, you must submit a written request, dated and signed, to the Department of Justice. In either case, your designee will be mailed a copy of the same information you receive.
No. Unfortunately at this time, the Department of Justice does not offer an expedited process.
The Department of Justice does not maintain or provide certified copies of court documents. The Courts are the only institutions that can provide you with a certified copy of a court document. Please contact the Court with jurisdiction over your particular case(s) for certified documents.
Arrest and court disposition information can only be modified or deleted by court order or at the direction of the arresting agency/district attorney having jurisdiction over the criminal matter. The Department of Justice is required to record summary arrest, detention, disposition, and personal identification information when submitted by a law enforcement agency or court of this state. The record retention policy of the Department is to maintain criminal history information until the subject of the record reaches 100 years of age.
Additional questions regarding the Record Review process can be directed to the Record Quality Services Program, Record Review Section at Record Review