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The Department of Justice (DOJ), Division of California Justice Information Services provides certification of state summary criminal history records and fingerprints as maintained by the Bureau of Criminal Information and Analysis to be used in court cases.
Our office can provide certified criminal offender record information, and/or certified copies of source documents contained in the California criminal history record to authorized parties only i.e., requests that are submitted on behalf of a law enforcement agency or district attorney’s office, and some state agencies where certified records are required for legitimate law enforcement purposes (California Penal Code Section 11105).
In order to improve efficiency, in lieu of requesting certified records from DOJ, California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) subscribing agencies are encouraged to access the criminal history records themselves from CLETS and provide appropriate authentication when using the criminal history records as evidence. California courts have long sanctioned that practice. (See, e.g., People v. Martinez(2000) 22 Cal.4th 106, 121-125, 131; People v. Dunlap (1993) 18 Cal.App.4th 1468, 1472, 1477.)
The DOJ does not provide certified copies of criminal history records to individual applicants. To receive a copy of your own summary criminal history record, please visit Criminal Records-Request Your Own for more information.
California Department of Justice
Attn: Custodian of Records
Bureau of Criminal Information and Analysis
P.O. Box 160207
Sacramento, CA 95816-0207
Note: The Records Custodian requires a minimum of three weeks for the processing of a certified record request once the subpoena/court order and BCIA 8700 Form - Certification of Attorney of Record – Request for Records has been received. Processing time may differ and is dependent upon the contents contained in the criminal history record. Allow additional time for mail delivery.
Responses to requests for certified copies will include the requested information (if available) with a stamp certifying authenticity of the records, a cover letter, and (if applicable) affidavit signed by the Custodian of Records authorizing release of the records as maintained by California DOJ.
Questions regarding the above requirements can be directed to
Criminal subpoenas issued by courts in another state or country (“foreign subpoenas”) must comply with the Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of Witnesses from Without a State in Criminal Proceedings [California Penal Code § 1334 et. seq]. For subpoenas that do not meet this requirement, the California DOJ will no longer provide courtesy copies of non-certified records. In order to receive certified records, please submit a subpoena that complies with the Uniform Act or court order.
The Record Quality Services Program can provide non-certified copies of criminal history records to public defenders and attorneys of record representing a client in a criminal matter or proceeding [California Penal Code §§ 11105 (b)(8), 11105 (b)(9)], and who are requesting the copies of criminal history records for witnesses likely to testify in that matter or proceeding. Public defenders and attorneys of record must complete form BCIA 8700 Form - Certification of Attorney of Record – Request for Records.
Questions regarding non-certified record requests can be directed to