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The Bureau of Gambling Control (Bureau), California Gambling Control Commission (Commission) and California Tribal Gaming Agencies (TGA) work together to ensure the fair and honest operation of tribal gaming in California in accordance with the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. The Compacts between California Indian Tribes and the Governor of California established a state certification process whereby all gaming resource suppliers, financial sources, management contractors, and key employees that are issued gaming licenses by the various TGAs in California are required to submit a finding of suitability application to the Bureau.
The Bureau conducts a background investigation pursuant to 6.5.6 of the Compacts to determine whether the applicant is considered suitable for licensing pursuant to the Gambling Control Act (Business and Professions Code section 19800 et seq.)
Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Bureau makes a finding of suitability recommendation to the Commission. The Commission determination of suitability is based largely on the Bureau’s written recommendation, and takes into consideration a number of factors specified in the Gambling Control Act, including applicant's honesty, general character, and financial and criminal histories.
There are two types of finding of suitability applicants:
To do business with California Tribes, Gaming Resource Suppliers, Financial Sources, and Management Contractors (Vendors) must submit a Finding of Suitability application to the Bureau.
Persons employed by California tribal casinos in supervisory or management capacities who are empowered to make discretionary decisions regarding gaming operations are required to submit an application to the Bureau.