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Update: These forms now contain fields you can fill in electronically. To do so please:
Please note: Users have reported issues printing PDF documents while using Google Chrome and Edge. If you experience any issues with printing while using Google Chrome and Edge, please try saving the PDF document(s) and opening it locally with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Then, you can fill out and print the document(s) as needed.
The following applications and/or documents are required by the Bureau in addition to the Commission's application.
BGC 200: Major League Sports Raffle Eligible Organization Annual Registration Form, pdf
BGC 201: Major League Sports Raffle Manufacturer and Distributor Annual Registration Form, pdf
BGC 202: Major League Sports Raffle Manual Draw Supervisor Registration Form, pdf
BGC 203 Major League Sports Raffle Eligible Organization Annual Report, pdf
BGC 204 Major League Sports Raffle Eligible Organization Registered Event Registration Form, pdf
BGC 205 Major League Sports Raffle Eligible Organization-Equipment Registration Form, pdf
BGC 206 Major League Sports Raffle Electronic Raffle System and Equipment Checklist and Test Draw, pdf
Please note: The current processing time frame is 30 business days for all charitable gambling registration forms.
Annual Registration Form for Nonprofit Organizations
Annual Registration Form for Suppliers of Gambling Equipment/Services
USDA Designated Rural Areas by County-California, pdf
Please navigate to the California Gambling Control Commission’s webpage below to access the most current Self-Exclusion Request and Self-Exclusion Removal Request forms.